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We guide to  a independent life

The City Rental Agency is a new public  service that will make life easier for landlords  and help families who can't find affordable housing.
I own a free apartment
Veľké logo Mestskej nájomnej agentúry v zelenej farbe, zložené z písmen M, N a A. Písmená v logu symbolizujú domčeky. Pred každým písmenom je zobrazená čiernobiela ilustrácia človeka.

We bring certainty, which is not just a feeling.

The City Rental Agency acts as an intermediary between the landlord and the subtenant, making sure that the whole process goes smoothly. the City of Bratislava is the guarantor of the project.

If you want to have a chance for a decent life, stable housing is a must. Thanks to the CRA, even those for whom this was previously impossible will be able to access housing.

Our first milestones

Čiernobiela ilustrácia batoľaťa, ktoré sa hrá na zemi s kockami.
First words in the MNA apartment
CRA's youngest resident spent the first year of his life here. Thanks to the early intervention of a social worker, he was able to stay with his parents, who did not miss out on his first words.
Čiernobiela ilustrácia malého dieťaťa, ktoré drží zeleného plyšového medvedíka.
Standing on the own feet for the first time
The young parents of a severely handicapped child experienced with emotion what it is like when their five-year-old non-ambulatory daughter happily stands on her own feet for the first time.
Čiernobiela ilustrácia osoby, ktorá nesie papierovú krabicu so zeleným kvietkom.
First successful return to the  society
It is not easy to find a job, integrate into society and even regain custody of children after serving a sentence. Our client was able to do this thanks to her own housing and strong social support.

Making both parties happy

Our efforts are worthwhile. This is evidenced not only by the satisfaction of happy families, but also by those who have already given us their apartment for rent.
Satisfied tenant
"The apartment is gorgeous and is above our expectations. It´s  spacious and cozy. Getting the apartment means a new beginning for us. A new life... We finally got a chance, which we will take and we will not disappoint your trust."
Happy family
"Getting an apartment means stability and background for us. A feeling of peace and security. Less stress. A place we enjoy, where we can relax, recharge and call home."
Parents who did not lose their son
"It is not easy to get an apartment through the commercial market because you need to pay a renting deposit and a security deposit at the same time. It´s a lot of money for us and we would not be able to manage it. Our young son would end up in an orphanage and my husband and I would end up on the street somewhere, and nobody wanted that. Thank you so much for allowing us to live here."
An apartment owner who  doesn´t worry
"At first I didn't know what I was getting into, but I decided to give it a try. When I visited the apartment after a long time, I was pleasantly surprised. It definitely felt a lot cleaner than when I had students moving in. And the neighbors didn't have a problem with it either."
Čiernobiela ilustrácia štyroch hviezdičiek a jednej vlnky.

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